
今天去打了臉部雷射, 自卑到不得不正面思考..









Believe in Yourself

I am capable of significant achievement.

I have something special to contribute.


Set Clear Goals

Write down ambitious but achievable goals.

Get on the road to achieve them.


Form a Mental Picture of Your Success

Imagine yourself achieving your goals.

Savour the experience of making the sale and living your dream.


Take Ownership and Responsibility for Your Life

Don’t be a victim. Don’t blame others.

You are the captain of the boat and you decide where it goes and what happens.

 If you are unhappy with your life, then form a plan to change it and take action.


Talk to Yourself

Say positive things to yourself.
“I am going to do really well today.”

“I am going to make real progress towards my goals.”


Eliminate the Negative

Use positive self-talk to overcome the doubts and negative thoughts.

Eliminate worries about difficulties and obstacles by taking a positive attitude.

You do not ignore problems—you face up to them with a constructive and optimistic attitude.


Associate with Positive People

Spend more time with the positive people and less time with the negative people.

The optimists will inspire and encourage you, while the pessimists will feed your doubts and make you depressed.


Count Your Blessings

We tend to take all the good things in our lives for granted and focus on our failings and needs instead.

Draw up an assets and liabilities sheet for yourself.

If you are doing really well in life, put these on the assets list. If you think life sucks, then put these items into your liabilities list. Chances are that your assets will far outweigh your liabilities.


Find the Silver Lining

Every change brings good as well as bad, opportunities as well as threats.

The people who do well in life are the ones who use setbacks as springboards for new successes.


Relax and Enjoy Life More

If you can laugh at things then you can cope with them more easily. 

Deliberately give yourself little treats and do things that make you smile. 

Keep a balance between work, exercise, relationships and play.


Fake It.

If all else fails then fake it.

If you are really worried, nervous, or doubtful, then pretend that you are confident. Smile at the audience and act as though you are positive, professional and successful.

Acting the role helps you develop the attitudes and behaviors that go with the part.

You can fool the audience, and more importantly, you can fool your brain—you will start to be the confident, positive person that you are acting.







也就是heikamei室內設計的case :)









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