由矽藻土之學者研究報告 (上)

我們可以得知, 矽藻土 等級的區別在於它對於人類的安全性



Diatomaceous Earth (Crude/Natural)

Silicon Dioxide 二氧化矽 (SiO2)- 83.7%

Aluminum Oxide氧化鋁 (Al2O3)- 5.6%

Iron Oxide氧化鐵 (Fe2O3)- 2.3%

Calcium Oxide氧化鈣 (Cao)- 0.4%

Magnesium Oxide鎂氧化物 (MgO)- 0.3%

Other Oxides- 1.9%

Copper- 2ppm

Strontium- 100ppm

Titanium- 1800ppm

Manganese- 200ppm

Sodium- 2000ppm

Vanadium- 500ppm

Boron- 50ppm

Zirconium- 220ppm



  • Amorphous silica (無晶二氧化矽)= silica = silicon dioxide = SiO2
  • Calcination (鍛燒)= the process of heating a substance to a high temperature (but below its melting point). Verb = Calcine


Food Grade

  • Contains approximately 85% silica
  • Contains <1% crystalline silica
  • Diatomaceous Earth must be non-calcined in order to be effective as an insecticide. Non-calcined DE uses absorption to remove the lipid layer of insects. Without their lipid layer, insects will dehydrate and die.
  • Used in livestock feed to remove intestinal invaders and harmful organisms in animals’ digestive tracts. By sweeping foreign bodies out of the system, DE could stimulate digestion and absorb nutrients. Parasites are lacerated by the abrasiveness of DE.
  • The average human body holds approximately seven grams of silica. Only about 1/3 of the silica that humans need exists in our food today. Silica is a necessary component for the health of our tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones. It also strengthens our skin, teeth and nails.
  • World Health Organization  (WHO) recommends DE be less than 2% crystalline to be safe.




  • 內含大約85% 二氧化矽成分
  • 結晶二氧化矽少於1%
  • 有效的除蟲劑須為未鍛燒之矽藻土. 未經鍛燒之矽藻土能夠吸取蟲類的油脂層, 使得蟲類脫水而導致死亡
  • 使用於牲畜的飼料中來清除動物消化系統中的有害物質. 矽藻土能將有害物質排於體外, 來促進消化並增進吸收功能. 寄生蟲會被尖銳的矽藻土所劃破導致死亡
  • 人類身體平均容納約7克的二氧化矽. 現今人類所攝取的食物中只含我們所需要二氧化矽總量的1/3 . 二氧化矽是維持人體肌腱, 軟骨, 血管, 骨頭健康必須的成份. 二氧化矽也能強化我們的皮膚, 牙齒, 以及指甲.
  • 世界衛生組織建議內含量少於2%的結晶二氧化矽才算安全


Industrial Grade

  • DE is treated through a process called calcination.
  • Calcination process (heating of DE at a temperature above 1000ºC) causes the amorphous silica that makes up the exoskeleton of the diatom to turn into crystalline silica.
  • Contains up to 70% crystalline silica
  • Calcined DE contains 33% silicon, 19% calcium, 5% sodium, 3% magnesium and 2% iron, as well fifteen other trace minerals like boron, manganese, titanium, copper and zirconium.
  • Crystalline silica is toxic when inhaled. It is harmful to humans and animals if inhaled or ingested. It is neither feed grade nor food grade.
  • Calcined DE becomes even more abrasive. It is a good filtering agent.
  • Pool-grade DE is generally inexpensive because of the quality or purity of the product.




  • 矽藻土必須經過鍛燒的過程才能成為工業級矽藻土
  • 鍛燒過程是將矽藻土加熱至1000ºC 以上才能將二氧化矽轉變成結晶二氧化矽
  • 工業級矽藻土含有高至70%的結晶二氧化矽
  • 工業級矽藻土含有33%二氧化矽, 19%鈣, 5%鈉, 3%鎂, 2%鐵以及15種其它礦物質例如硼, 錳, 鈦, 銅與鋯
  • 結晶二氧化碳若被吸入對人類與動物都是有害的. 結晶二氧化矽既不是飼料級, 也不是食品級
  • 鍛燒過後的二氧化矽變得更加銳利, 它是一個良好的過濾材質
  • 工業級矽藻土也稱之泳池用矽藻土, 它價錢不昂貴, 原因在矽藻土的品質與純度比起食品級矽藻土還來的差.








美國人與歐洲人大多利用矽藻土於戶外泳池, 農業, 人類與動物食用之必需品

用來除蟲, 清理腸道, 補充營養以及過濾等用途








殊不知, 矽藻土其實並不是盛產於日本

而是在地理面積寬廣, 有著邊鄰水地區的國家



食品級 (檢驗過, 對人體無害) 與工業級 (過濾用途, 人體若長期接觸下是有害的)





1. 世界衛生組織建議, 無結晶矽藻土<3% 才能達到安全規範. 無結晶矽藻土<2% 才能達到食用規範

2. 並非所有未經鍛燒之矽藻土都是食用級矽藻土. 其實<3%的結晶二氧化矽才是標準所在. 有些地區開採出來的矽藻土經歷過火山爆發(高溫下), 所開採出的矽藻土有>3%的二氧化矽結晶, 使得矽藻土不符合食品級的安全範圍內.

3. 如果使用工業用矽藻土來除蟲, 效果將被大打折扣原因在高溫已將割破蟲類表皮的細微堅硬突刺已被融化掉了

4. 二氧化矽是矽藻土中所含的成份, 通常含量都超過80%以上. 如未達80%已上, 通常會被鍛燒為工業級矽藻土做過濾的用途. 開採過程也有找到90%已上之二氧化矽的成份, 可惜是結晶二氧化矽成分超過3% 因而不能使用. 


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